Admin Mar 8, 2021 8:48:37 AM 4 min read

Women's History Month Industry Icon: Donna Shultz, MSM Inc.

As part of Women's History Month, we're thrilled to feature Industry Icon, Donna Shultz. Donna founded MSM in 1993 and has spent the last decade transforming the organization from a tradeshow supplier into a full-fledged experiential agency.

What inspires you to "show up" everyday?

I always say my greatest skillset is finding the right people to surround myself with. I have been lucky to find incredible people inside and outside my organization – including my staff, my partners, my industry peers, and of course my family. Their dedication, positivity, and support are what inspires me to show up each and every day.


What advice would you give young event strategists or marketers?

Never sit still, and never stop learning. As with most things in life, in events, the only constant is change. Stay involved in as much as you can – read articles, attend industry events, watch, and listen to the trailblazers who are doing things a little differently – and then adapt, adapt, adapt.


What opportunities or trends are you most excited about right now?

Our industry is evolving rapidly. Starting with the move to digital in 2020, I challenged our team to pivot and innovate how our clients show up in the virtual space. We are now shifting our attention to integrated experiences and what it means to effectively engage with both live and remote audiences. This shift is huge for both suppliers and event marketers, as it means more opportunity for growth and more opportunity to flex and scale event programs. As live events make their return, I am excited for us as an industry to redefine our new normal.


How do you give back to the industry and community? How can others get involved?

I find the best way to get involved is to find a role, an organization, or a cause that is meaningful to your values and your goals. For me, I am incredibly passionate about my work with the United Way and have served on the Board for over 10 years supporting our community. In the industry, I have been actively involved over the last decade with the Experiential Designers and Producers Association (EDPA), serving on the Board, and then as President in 2018. For our Creative Manager, that has meant mentoring up-and-coming exhibit designers. For others, that might be simply taking part in campaigns to encourage the support of our industry. There are so many ways both big and small to get involved, the key is in finding what is most meaningful to you.